The Growing Collective's Annual Plant Sale
May 19- May 25 2024

About The Plant Sale
The Growing Collective grows vegetable starts from seed, including heirloom, organic and unusual selections of tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and many more. Each member creates a plant order for themselves and also makes a commitment to help care for the approximately 10,000 plants that will be part of the group’s Plant Sale, with proceeds going to support Farmshed’s programs. The Plant Sale is held annually in May the week before Memorial Day, in the Farmshed Greenhouse at 1220 Briggs Court in Stevens Point.
Cash, check and credit/debit are accepted. In addition to plants, Farmshed merchandise, compost and garden soil mixes from Hsu’s Growing Supply, compost buckets and bins from Recycling Connections and seed potatoes from Whitefeather Organics will be available.
The Plant Catalog has all the plants we will have available for 2024.
Just got your plants from the plant sale? View our Guide to Hardening Off
Check out the event on Facebook for more information!