Volunteers help grow our local food community
and make our work possible!
Volunteer With Us
Farmshed is an organization run on volunteers! In order to pull off our annual events and programs, we look to the Central Wisconsin community for their assistance. Our volunteer opportunities range from working in our kitchen, greenhouse, grounds, and our off-site events.
Already volunteered with us? Make sure to log your hours, and then tell us how we did by filling out our volunteer satisfaction survey!
We would love to hear about experiences you have had while volunteering at Farmshed! Click here to share an experience with us.
New to volunteering with us? Make sure to fill out our volunteer waiver form and email the completed form to volunteer@farmshed.org.
Current Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities to come soon!
Lending a Hand During COVID-19
Volunteering with Farmshed looks a little different right now, but you can still get involved.
All volunteers will have their temperatures taken and will be required to fill out a waiver verifying their health.
Per CDC guidelines, all volunteers with a temperature above 100.4F will be sent home.
If you are sick, or in contact with someone who’s sick, stay home. Individuals who arrive on site with symptoms will be asked to go home.
Masks are required and must be worn at all times.
Frozen Assets volunteers will be given a face shield and gloves for their shift as well.​
Grassroots Volunteers
Sign up for our email list (at the bottom of this page) and follow our Facebook Page for current volunteer needs!
Please email volunteer@farmshed.org if you would like to learn more about our volunteer program and how you can get involved.